Seneca Forever

Letter from The President

Current President of Seneca Past & Present

Robert K. Holmes III
Class of ’89

Dear Fellow Seneca Alumni,

It is my pleasure to welcome you to a site dedicated to the alumni of one of the best High Schools in America, Seneca High School, of Louisville, Kentucky. The Seneca Past & Present Alumni Association was established in 2010 with the goal of providing you, as alumni, updated information about your fellow classmates, resources for networking with other Seneca alumni, and coordinating fun reunions and activities.

We are trying to increase the amount of success in all of these areas. With that in mind the Association is establishing a database containing contact information about many of your classmates.

To ensure the continued success of the Seneca Past & Present Alumni Association, we need your help! There are still many of you and your classmates for whom we need updated contact information. If your information has changed and/or if you have any information on your classmates, please email us at [email protected].

If you have any ideas about how we may better serve Seneca alumni, please contact me at (502) 290-7028 or email at [email protected].

Seneca Forever!
Robert K. Holmes III
President, Seneca Past & Present Inc.
Class of ’89!